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HAI Defenders: Operation Cyber City
Hero Hovering
Cyber City is Uder Attack!

Play our cybersecurity training game to learn about the importance of — and keys to — online security. Defeat the villains and take your city back! What’re you waiting for?

Hero Hovering
I'll put a stop to this!
Protect the city!
Gameplay Instructions
  1. Start the game by clicking on the "Play" button.
  2. You will be presented with a series of questions.
  3. Read each question and select the correct answer by clicking on the corresponding option.
  4. Be careful! Choosing the wrong answer empowers the villain, bringing them closer to executing their evil plan.
  5. Your goal is to answer as many questions correctly as possible to weaken the villain.
  6. You must answer at least 9 out of the 13 questions to win.

For better experience, turn up your sound.

Are you ready?
Hero Hovering
HAI Hero
Malware Maven
This city will be mine!
Defeat the villain!

Malware Maven has taken over the city's outdated technology, and she's out for vengeance. Her plan of attack? To corrupt the old and outdated technologies and influence systems to turn on their owners across the city, HAI-tropolis.

Read the question carefully and select the correct answer below to fight back against Malware Maven.

How often should the latest software updates for your computer’s apps, web browsers, and operating systems be installed?

Question 1 of 13

Action Text Action Text Action Text
Action Text Action Text Action Text
Action Text Action Text Action Text
Action Text Action Text Action Text
As soon as possible
Malware Maven
HAI Hero Defeated
Watch Out!
Must protect the city...
Defender Tips

Having the most up-to-date software helps protect your systems against security vulnerabilities, which can pop up at any moment.

Hero Hovering
Keep Fighting!
Malware Maven
HAI Hero Defeated
Watch Out!
Must protect the city...
Defender Tips

Having the most up-to-date software helps protect your systems against security vulnerabilities, which can pop up at any moment.

Hero Hovering
Keep Fighting!
Malware Maven
HAI Hero Defeated
Watch Out!
Must protect the city...
Defender Tips

Having the most up-to-date software helps protect your systems against security vulnerabilities, which can pop up at any moment.

Hero Hovering
Keep Fighting!
HAI Hero Victorious
Malware Maven defeated
Great Job!
More Info

Great job! The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) recommends installing software updates (often called patches) as soon as possible to prevent attackers from taking advantage of system vulnerabilities within a program or product. Vendors usually put software updates on their websites for users to download. In many cases, the software can be set to check for and download updates automatically. CISA recommends that you take advantage of automatic software updates when available to ensure vulnerabilities are patched promptly.

Hero Hovering
Keep Fighting!
HAI Hero
Malware Maven
This city will be mine!
Defeat the villain!

As the city struggled to find the source of the mysterious illness, little did they know that Malware Maven was using her cunning tactics to impersonate a coworker and breach the security wall, allowing her to wreak havoc undetected.

Read the question carefully and select the correct answer below to fight back against Malware Maven.

A colleague emails and asks that you share your network password while you're out sick so they can access a time-sensitive document you're working on together. What should you do?

Question 2 of 13

Action Text Action Text Action Text
Share your password because you trust your colleague.
Action Text Action Text Action Text
Share your password with your colleague’s manager instead.
Action Text Action Text Action Text
Decline to share your password.
Action Text Action Text Action Text
Share your password with your colleague and change it immediately once you're back at work.
Malware Maven
HAI Hero Defeated
Watch Out!
Must protect the city...
Defender Tips

Your colleague may be trustworthy, but what if the email is from a cybercriminal pretending to be your colleague to secure sensitive information? This type of phishing scheme, called "business email compromise," involves cybercriminals sending an email message that appears to come from a known source. making it a seemingly legitimate request.

Hero Hovering
Keep Fighting!
Malware Maven
HAI Hero Defeated
Watch Out!
Must protect the city...
Defender Tips

Every time you share or reuse a password, it chips away at your security by opening up more avenues in which the password could be misused or stolen.

Hero Hovering
Keep Fighting!
Malware Maven
HAI Hero Defeated
Watch Out!
Must protect the city...
Defender Tips

This scenario could be an instance of "business email compromise," in which cybercriminals send an email message that appears to come from a known source who is making a legitimate request. By the time you return to work and change your password, it may be too late—cybercriminals don't need much time to exploit a vulnerability. Every time you share a password, the chances of that password being misused or stolen increase.

Hero Hovering
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HAI Hero Victorious
Malware Maven defeated
Great Job!
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Spot on! Always keep passwords private. Every time you share or reuse a password, you open up more avenues for it to be misused or stolen. Watch out for cybercriminals trying to trick you into revealing your passwords or other sensitive information by pretending to be someone you trust and creating a sense of urgency.

Hero Hovering
Keep Fighting!
HAI Hero
Malware Maven
This city will be mine!
Defeat the villain!

Malware Maven had her eyes set on the coveted blueprints and sensitive technology stored in the high-security vault, and she was willing to go to any lengths to get her hands on them.

Read the question carefully and select the correct answer below to fight back against Malware Maven.

As you scan your badge to enter your office, someone behind you asks you to hold the door for them. You don't recognize the person. What should you do?

Question 3 of 13

Action Text Action Text Action Text
Hold the door, it’s the polite thing to do.
Action Text Action Text Action Text
Pretend you didn't hear them and move on with your morning. Someone else will let them in.
Action Text Action Text Action Text
Don't hold the door. Notify security immediately.
Action Text Action Text Action Text
None of the above.
Malware Maven
HAI Hero Defeated
Watch Out!
Must protect the city...
Defender Tips

Holding the door is the polite thing to do, but in this situation, it's not the right thing to do. Cybercriminals will take advantage of certain human behaviors—politeness included—to gain access to private information and facilities.

Hero Hovering
Keep Fighting!
Malware Maven
HAI Hero Defeated
Watch Out!
Must protect the city...
Defender Tips

If you encounter this situation, you should ask yourself if the person has a legitimate reason for entering the building. By ignoring the request and going about your day, you're passing on the responsibility to someone else who may not think twice about letting a potential cybercriminal into the office.

Hero Hovering
Keep Fighting!
Malware Maven
HAI Hero Defeated
Watch Out!
Must protect the city...
Defender Tips

This situation could be an instance of "tailgating," a method cybercriminals use to gain access to a building or other protected area. A tailgater waits for an authorized user to open and pass through a secure entry and follows behind.

Hero Hovering
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HAI Hero Victorious
Malware Maven defeated
Great Job!
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Play it safe! Don't hold the door, and notify security immediately to verify whether the person belongs in the building. This situation could be an instance of tailgating, a method cybercriminals use to gain access to a building or other protected area.

Hero Hovering
Keep Fighting!
HAI Hero
Phishing Fury
This city will be mine!
Defeat the villain!

Phishing Fury was hard at work crafting his latest scam, a cunning phishing bug designed to trick unsuspecting victims into divulging their personal information, and he couldn't wait to reel in her next catch.

Read the question carefully and select the correct answer below to fight back against Phishing Fury.

Which of these statements is correct?

Question 4 of 13

Action Text Action Text Action Text
If you get an email from someone you know, like a vendor, you can click on any links as long as you have a spam blocker and antivirus protection.
Action Text Action Text Action Text
You can trust that an email really comes from a vendor if it uses the vendor's logo and contains at least one fact about the vendor that you know to be true.
Action Text Action Text Action Text
If you get a message from a colleague who needs your network password, you should never give it out unless the colleague says it’s an emergency.
Action Text Action Text Action Text
If you get an email from Human Resources asking you to provide personal information right away, you should verify it with HR first to ensure the sender is who they say they are.
Phishing Fury
HAI Hero Defeated
Watch Out!
Must protect the city...
Defender Tips

Spam blockers and antivirus protection programs aren't foolproof, and a cybercriminal could pretend to be a known vendor to obtain sensitive information. Carefully examine the email address and contents before clicking any links or attachments — cybercriminals often use slight differences to trick you and gain your trust.

Hero Hovering
Keep Fighting!
Phishing Fury
HAI Hero Defeated
Watch Out!
Must protect the city...
Defender Tips

A cybercriminal could pretend to be your vendor contact to obtain sensitive information. Carefully examine the email address and contents of the email—cybercriminals often use slight differences to trick your eye and gain trust.

Hero Hovering
Keep Fighting!
Phishing Fury
HAI Hero Defeated
Watch Out!
Must protect the city...
Defender Tips

Every time you share or reuse a password, it chips away at your security by opening up more avenues in which the password could be misused or stolen.

Hero Hovering
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HAI Hero Victorious
Phishing Fury defeated
Great Job!
More Info

Right on! Always verify suspicious and unexpected emails before clicking on any links/attachments or replying with confidential information, especially if the request presses you to act quickly. A type of phishing attack called business email compromise involves cybercriminals sending an email message that appears to come from a known source who is making legitimate requests. When in doubt, look up the phone number of the sender on your own (don't use the number the potential cybercriminal is providing) and call to verify the request.

Hero Hovering
Keep Fighting!
HAI Hero
Phishing Fury
This city will be mine!
Defeat the villain!

Phishing Fury had his sights set on a specific target, but the team was at a loss since nobody was in charge of their cybersecurity, leaving them vulnerable to the villain's schemes.

Read the question carefully and select the correct answer below to fight back against Phishing Fury.

Who in the organization should be responsible for cybersecurity?

Question 5 of 13

Action Text Action Text Action Text
Action Text Action Text Action Text
Action Text Action Text Action Text
All staff
Action Text Action Text Action Text
IT staff
Phishing Fury
HAI Hero Defeated
Watch Out!
Must protect the city...
Defender Tips

Executives can help set the tone regarding the organization's cybersecurity culture, but shouldn't be solely responsible for cybersecurity.

Hero Hovering
Keep Fighting!
Phishing Fury
HAI Hero Defeated
Watch Out!
Must protect the city...
Defender Tips

Managers can help ensure staff members understand and implement cybersecurity best practices, but shouldn't be solely responsible for cybersecurity.

Hero Hovering
Keep Fighting!
Phishing Fury
HAI Hero Defeated
Watch Out!
Must protect the city...
Defender Tips

IT staff can help identify and prevent cybersecurity threats to the organization, but shouldn't be solely responsible for cybersecurity.

Hero Hovering
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HAI Hero Victorious
Phishing Fury defeated
Great Job!
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You got it! A comprehensive cybersecurity strategy incorporates all staff. Why? A large percentage of cyber attacks include some element of human error. Pursuing an integrated, holistic approach embeds the concept of cybersecurity into each employee's workday so that it becomes subconscious. Well-trained employees who understand the importance of cybersecurity form a human firewall, an organization's best line of defense against a cyberattack.

Hero Hovering
Keep Fighting!
HAI Hero
Phishing Fury
This city will be mine!
Defeat the villain!

As Phishing Fury's cache of ill-gotten gains continued to grow, so too did his nefarious plans, which now included funding a dangerous laser beam capable of untold destruction, all while draining the bank accounts of innocent victims who fell prey to his phishing schemes.

Read the question carefully and select the correct answer below to fight back against Phishing Fury.

Phishing is a form of social engineering in which cybercriminals use email and other modes of communication to trick you into giving them sensitive personal or financial information.

Question 6 of 13

Action Text Action Text Action Text
Action Text Action Text Action Text
Phishing Fury
HAI Hero Defeated
Watch Out!
Must protect the city...
Defender Tips

Phishing messages often tell a story to trick you into clicking a link or opening an attachment containing malicious software (malware). Often, phishing messages claim a problem with your account or ask you to click a link to make an overdue payment. These messages are usually written with a sense of urgency (e.g., I need this by the end of the day) to provoke you into taking action without considering the consequences.

Hero Hovering
Keep Fighting!
HAI Hero Victorious
Phishing Fury defeated
Great Job!
More Info

Phishing messages often tell a story to trick you into clicking a link or opening an attachment containing malicious software (malware). Often, phishing messages claim a problem with your account or ask you to click a link to make an overdue payment. These messages are usually written with a sense of urgency (e.g., I need this by the end of the day) to provoke you into taking action without considering the consequences.

Hero Hovering
Keep Fighting!
HAI Hero
Ransomware Raider
This city will be mine!
Defeat the villain!

Martha's heart sank as she realized the grave mistake she had made — the link she had clicked on was a trap set by Ransomware Raider, and now all her sensitive data was being held hostage for a hefty ransom.

Read the question carefully and select the correct answer below to fight back against Ransomware Raider.

If you think you fell for a phishing scam, what should you do to limit the damage? Select any that apply.

Question 7 of 13

Action Text Action Text Action Text
Restart your computer.
Action Text Action Text Action Text
Unplug your computer.
Action Text Action Text Action Text
Immediately change any compromised passwords.
Action Text Action Text Action Text
Notify your IT department.
Ransomware Raider
HAI Hero Defeated
Watch Out!
Must protect the city...
Defender Tips

Restarting your computer doesn't remove malicious software (malware), nor does it prevent cybercriminals from taking advantage of any private information (e.g., usernames and passwords) that you've unwittingly provided.

Hero Hovering
Keep Fighting!
Ransomware Raider
HAI Hero Defeated
Watch Out!
Must protect the city...
Defender Tips

Once a computer is infected with malicious software (malware), turning it off doesn't help, nor does it prevent cybercriminals from taking advantage of any private information (e.g., usernames and passwords) that you've unwittingly provided

Hero Hovering
Keep Fighting!
HAI Hero Victorious
Ransomware Raider defeated
Great Job!
More Info

Correct! If you think you fell for a phishing scam, immediately notify your IT department and change any compromised passwords. Your IT department can investigate the extent of the attack and escalate the response if necessary, put others on alert, set spam blockers, install software updates to limit further damage, and implement other emergency response tactics. Changing compromised passwords can help prevent cybercriminals from exploiting any information they tricked you into giving them.

Hero Hovering
Keep Fighting!
HAI Hero Victorious
Ransomware Raider defeated
Great Job!
More Info

Correct! If you think you fell for a phishing scam, immediately notify your IT department and change any compromised passwords. Your IT department can investigate the extent of the attack and escalate the response if necessary, put others on alert, set spam blockers, install software updates to limit further damage, and implement other emergency response tactics. Changing compromised passwords can help prevent cybercriminals from exploiting any information they tricked you into giving them.

Hero Hovering
Keep Fighting!
HAI Hero
Ransomware Raider
This city will be mine!
Defeat the villain!

Ransomware Raider had set her sights on the wealthy and influential top clients, and was determined to kidnap them and hold them for ransom, using their wealth and power as leverage to achieve his ultimate goal of becoming the most feared and powerful criminal in the city.

Read the question carefully and select the correct answer below to fight back against Ransomware Raider.

An email from your boss asks for the names, addresses, and credit card details of your business partner. The email says it’s urgent and to reply right away. Choose the appropriate response.

Question 8 of 13

Action Text Action Text Action Text
Reply right away with the requested information.
Action Text Action Text Action Text
Reply and ask your boss why they need the information.
Action Text Action Text Action Text
Don't reply. Just delete the email and move on.
Action Text Action Text Action Text
Call your boss (or ask them in person) to confirm the request before replying.
Ransomware Raider
HAI Hero Defeated
Watch Out!
Must protect the city...
Defender Tips

The email could be a phishing attack from cybercriminals pretending to be your boss. The urgent nature of the request is a potential giveaway, especially if you don't receive requests like this often.

Hero Hovering
Keep Fighting!
Ransomware Raider
HAI Hero Defeated
Watch Out!
Must protect the city...
Defender Tips

The email could be a phishing attack from cybercriminals pretending to be your boss. If that's the case, they might devise a feasible reason, tricking you into providing private information.

Hero Hovering
Keep Fighting!
Ransomware Raider
HAI Hero Defeated
Watch Out!
Must protect the city...
Defender Tips

This email could be a phishing attack from cybercriminals pretending to be your boss. But on the off chance it's actually your boss making the request, you probably shouldn't completely ignore it.

Hero Hovering
Keep Fighting!
HAI Hero Victorious
Ransomware Raider defeated
Great Job!
More Info

Yes! When in doubt, it's best to call your boss (or ask them in person) to confirm the request before replying. When it comes to sensitive information, you can never be too careful, as the email could be a phishing attack.

Hero Hovering
Keep Fighting!
HAI Hero
Ransomware Raider
This city will be mine!
Defeat the villain!

Ransomware Raider's automated robot gave the illusion of a secure network, but in reality, it was a clever ruse to lure unsuspecting victims into a false sense of security, allowing her to strike at the perfect moment and hold their sensitive data hostage for a hefty ransom.

Read the question carefully and select the correct answer below to fight back against Ransomware Raider.

If you receive an email that looks like it's from someone you know, it's safe to click on any links as long as you have a spam blocker and antivirus protection.

Question 9 of 13

Action Text Action Text Action Text
Action Text Action Text Action Text
Ransomware Raider
HAI Hero Defeated
Watch Out!
Must protect the city...
Defender Tips

Spam blockers and antivirus protection programs aren't fool-proof, and a cybercriminal could pretend to be someone you know to obtain sensitive information. Carefully examine the email address and contents of the email before clicking on any links or attachments— cybercriminals often use slight differences to trick your eye and gain trust.

Hero Hovering
Keep Fighting!
HAI Hero Victorious
Ransomware Raider defeated
Great Job!
More Info

Spam blockers and antivirus protection programs aren't fool-proof, and a cybercriminal could pretend to be someone you know to obtain sensitive information. Carefully examine the email address and contents of the email before clicking on any links or attachments— cybercriminals often use slight differences to trick your eye and gain trust.

Hero Hovering
Keep Fighting!
HAI Hero
Virus Vandal
This city will be mine!
Defeat the villain!

Virus Vandal had set his sights on the wealthy and powerful top clients, and was determined to kidnap them and hold them for ransom, using his cunning Trojan horse tactics to infiltrate their systems undetected and achieve his ultimate goal of becoming the most feared and notorious criminal in the city.

Read the question carefully and select the correct answer below to fight back against Virus Vandal.

You get an email from a vendor who asks you to click on a link to reset your password. You should:

Question 10 of 13

Action Text Action Text Action Text
Reply to the email to confirm that you really need to change your password.
Action Text Action Text Action Text
Pick up the phone and call the vendor using a phone number you know to be correct to confirm that the request is real.
Action Text Action Text Action Text
Click on the link. If it takes you to the vendor's website, then you'll know it's not a scam.
Virus Vandal
HAI Hero Defeated
Watch Out!
Must protect the city...
Defender Tips

The email could be a phishing attack from cybercriminals pretending to be a vendor, which means you might accidentally give them your password when they reply with a link to reset it.

Hero Hovering
Keep Fighting!
Virus Vandal
HAI Hero Defeated
Watch Out!
Must protect the city...
Defender Tips

The email could be a phishing attack from cybercriminals pretending to be your vendor. It's common for cybercriminals to create fake versions of websites you know and trust to lure unsuspecting victims into sending money.

Hero Hovering
Keep Fighting!
HAI Hero Victorious
Virus Vandal defeated
Great Job!
More Info

Smart move! Play it safe by calling the vendor using a phone number you know to be correct to confirm the request. The email could be a phishing attack. The urgent nature of the request should raise red flags. It's a tactic used frequently by cybercriminals to trick victims into taking action without considering the consequences.

Hero Hovering
Keep Fighting!
HAI Hero
Virus Vandal
This city will be mine!
Defeat the villain!

Disguised as a reputable company, Virus Vandal's cunning phishing scam fooled countless citizens with its generic greeting, phony billing problem, and a suspicious link to update payment details, all peppered with improper grammar and misspellings, leading to a wave of identity theft and financial ruin.

Read the question carefully and select the correct answer below to fight back against Virus Vandal.

What's NOT a telltale sign that an email is part of a phishing scam?

Question 11 of 13

Action Text Action Text Action Text
The message says your account is on hold because of a billing problem.
Action Text Action Text Action Text
The message invites you to click on a link to update your payment details.
Action Text Action Text Action Text
The message includes improper grammar and misspellings.
Action Text Action Text Action Text
The message has a generic greeting.
Action Text Action Text Action Text
None of the above.
Virus Vandal
HAI Hero Defeated
Watch Out!
Must protect the city...
Defender Tips

Phishing emails typically include a generic greeting with improper grammar and misspellings. Cybercriminals exploit human behavior to manipulate, influence, or deceive victims. For example, a message might say that your account is on hold because of a billing problem or invite you to click on a link to update your payment details. Cybercriminals want you to panic and respond without thinking about the legitimacy of an email.

Hero Hovering
Keep Fighting!
Virus Vandal
HAI Hero Defeated
Watch Out!
Must protect the city...
Defender Tips

Phishing emails typically include a generic greeting with improper grammar and misspellings. Cybercriminals exploit human behavior to manipulate, influence, or deceive victims. For example, a message might say that your account is on hold because of a billing problem or invite you to click on a link to update your payment details. Cybercriminals want you to panic and respond without thinking about the legitimacy of an email.

Hero Hovering
Keep Fighting!
Virus Vandal
HAI Hero Defeated
Watch Out!
Must protect the city...
Defender Tips

Phishing emails typically include a generic greeting with improper grammar and misspellings. Cybercriminals exploit human behavior to manipulate, influence, or deceive victims. For example, a message might say that your account is on hold because of a billing problem or invite you to click on a link to update your payment details. Cybercriminals want you to panic and respond without thinking about the legitimacy of an email.

Hero Hovering
Keep Fighting!
Virus Vandal
HAI Hero Defeated
Watch Out!
Must protect the city...
Defender Tips

Phishing emails typically include a generic greeting with improper grammar and misspellings. Cybercriminals exploit human behavior to manipulate, influence, or deceive victims. For example, a message might say that your account is on hold because of a billing problem or invite you to click on a link to update your payment details. Cybercriminals want you to panic and respond without thinking about the legitimacy of an email.

Hero Hovering
Keep Fighting!
HAI Hero Victorious
Virus Vandal defeated
Great Job!
More Info

Phishing emails typically include a generic greeting with improper grammar and misspellings. Cybercriminals exploit human behavior to manipulate, influence, or deceive victims. For example, a message might say that your account is on hold because of a billing problem or invite you to click on a link to update your payment details. Cybercriminals want you to panic and respond without thinking about the legitimacy of an email.

Hero Hovering
Keep Fighting!
HAI Hero
Virus Vandal
This city will be mine!
Defeat the villain!

Virus Vandal's nefarious plan to create a city-wide blackout succeeded beyond his wildest dreams, plunging the metropolis into chaos and allowing him to carry out his sinister schemes undetected in the resulting darkness.

Read the question carefully and select the correct answer below to fight back against Virus Vandal.

Ransomware is malware that infects computer networks and devices to hold your data hostage until you send the attackers money. Which step doesn't significantly decrease the chances of putting your organization at risk of a ransomware attack?

Question 12 of 13

Action Text Action Text Action Text
Verify suspicious messages before clicking on attachments or links.
Action Text Action Text Action Text
Ensure the latest software updates are installed.
Action Text Action Text Action Text
Open suspicious links in a private browser.
Virus Vandal
HAI Hero Defeated
Watch Out!
Must protect the city...
Defender Tips

Verifying suspicious messages before clicking attachments or links is a cybersecurity best practice. Cybercriminals frequently plant ransomware in links or attachments within phishing emails.

Hero Hovering
Keep Fighting!
Virus Vandal
HAI Hero Defeated
Watch Out!
Must protect the city...
Defender Tips

The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) recommends installing software updates (often called patches) as soon as possible to prevent attackers from taking advantage of system vulnerabilities within a program or product. Vendors usually put software updates on their websites for users to download. In many cases, the software can be set to check for and download updates automatically. CISA recommends that you take advantage of automatic software updates when available to ensure vulnerabilities are patched promptly.

Hero Hovering
Keep Fighting!
HAI Hero Victorious
Virus Vandal defeated
Great Job!
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Right! Opening suspicious links in a private browser doesn't significantly decrease the chances of putting your organization at risk. Anything you click on while using a private browser can pose a threat.

Hero Hovering
Keep Fighting!
HAI Hero
Virus Vandal
This city will be mine!
Defeat the villain!

Virus Vandal's doomsday machine loomed menacingly over the city, as he threatened to unleash its devastating power unless his demands were met, sending the citizens into a frenzy of fear and panic.

Read the question carefully and select the correct answer below to fight back against Virus Vandal.

Which of these best describes how criminals launch ransomware attacks?

Question 13 of 13

Action Text Action Text Action Text
They send a phishing email with links or attachments that put your data and network at risk.
Action Text Action Text Action Text
They gain access to your server by exploiting vulnerabilities and installing malware.
Action Text Action Text Action Text
They use infected websites that automatically download malicious software to your computer or mobile device.
Action Text Action Text Action Text
All of the above.
Virus Vandal
HAI Hero Defeated
Watch Out!
Must protect the city...
Defender Tips

Cybercriminals use an ever-growing list of tactics to initiate ransomware attacks, which underscores the importance of ongoing training and a suspicious mindset, elements of a human firewall, an organization's best line of defense against a cyberattack. A robust human firewall helps prevent attacks that make it past outer layers of security, such as email filters.

Hero Hovering
Keep Fighting!
Virus Vandal
HAI Hero Defeated
Watch Out!
Must protect the city...
Defender Tips

Cybercriminals use an ever-growing list of tactics to initiate ransomware attacks, which underscores the importance of ongoing training and a suspicious mindset, elements of a human firewall, an organization's best line of defense against a cyberattack. A robust human firewall helps prevent attacks that make it past outer layers of security, such as email filters.

Hero Hovering
Keep Fighting!
Virus Vandal
HAI Hero Defeated
Watch Out!
Must protect the city...
Defender Tips

Cybercriminals use an ever-growing list of tactics to initiate ransomware attacks, which underscores the importance of ongoing training and a suspicious mindset, elements of a human firewall, an organization's best line of defense against a cyberattack. A robust human firewall helps prevent attacks that make it past outer layers of security, such as email filters.

Hero Hovering
Keep Fighting!
HAI Hero Victorious
Virus Vandal defeated
Great Job!
More Info

Correct! Cybercriminals use an ever-growing list of tactics to initiate ransomware attacks, which underscores the importance of ongoing training and a suspicious mindset, elements of a human firewall, an organization's best line of defense against a cyberattack. A robust human firewall helps prevent attacks that make it past outer layers of security, such as email filters.

Hero Hovering
Keep Fighting!
You win! The city is safe!
You win! Oh nooo! You lose!
8 2 Correct
Maven defeated
At large
Malware Maven
Fury defeated
At large
Phising Fury
Raider defeated
At large
Ransomware Raider
Terror defeated
At large
Virus Vandal
Certificate Download

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You did not answer enough questions correctly. Don't worry, you still have a chance to stop the attack. Hurry! Your city is depending on you.

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